Monday, September 19, 2016

3D Printing

I've been having some fun getting to know the 3D printers in Temple's College of Engineering. I've been using a StrataSys Objet 3D printer to create parts for EEG headsets for a hackathon we're running this weekend (more details on that soon). We've been using headset designs from OpenBCI. We bought the electronics from them and we're printing our own headsets. The first part of the print took some 60 hours but man are the parts nice. The parts come off the printer embedded in a flimsy scaffolding:

The scaffolding is manually removed using a pressure washer to strip it all away:

The finished products are firm and very cleanly articulated:


I'll post some pictures of the headsets once they're completely put together. Overall though, its a really neat process!

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